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About Benjamin Everett
image  1 Benjamin Everett - “Unlike Earth, the atmosphere of Mars is dominated by micron-size dust aerosols,
September 22, 2022

“Unlike Earth, the atmosphere of Mars is dominated by micron-size dust aerosols, and the sky during sunset takes on a bluish glow.” From: Applied Optics Vol. 53, Issue 9I’ve been experimenting with the public domain images available on the NASA website. What you see here are constructed entirely from that source. It’s been strange, and wasn’t until I found the article referenced above that I realized why. The light on Mars is ‘weird’ because the atmosphere is different. Go figure.As I worked, the project became as much about understanding this unique light as playing with Martin landforms. The images here explore a few ways to bridge a blue light source - with golden/orange scattering, across a few different angles and times of day in a variety of atmospheric dust. It’s definitely not accurate, and surely exaggerated. (Check out the article, lots of math above my ability) The science was simply a point of departure for experimentation. The main gist i held in mind, is that blue can transition through purple & red or green & yellow to get to orange. Just walk your way around a color wheel. Fun. After a month tho, I’m ready to go look at some foliage.
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