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About David Doubilet
image  1 David Doubilet - An ocean moment from my latest book Two Worlds
October 3, 2022

An ocean moment from my latest book Two Worlds: Above and Below The Sea. I was photographing a small islet surrounded by a shallow coral garden in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. I was gleeful with the clouds, healthy coral and volcano in the distance. And then without any warning an outrigger with father and son fisherman glided silently into my viewfinder. I shouted with joy through my snorkel because the moment shares what Kimbe Bay is about. These images are my favorite images to make but can be challenging: it’s not easy to find compelling subjects above and below in same frame, sea conditions will make or break the photograph and water droplets on my glass dome are my sworn enemy. I have spent decades documenting the sea and I still find myself lingering to explore the largest most important border on the planet: the surface of the sea. This border is a door to the other 71% of our planet. #OceanMoment #TwoWorlds #CoralTriangle #TheLargestBorder with #MoreOcean
#relaxation #bestrelaxation #daviddoubilet